Yakudoshi(critical age) are turning points in ones life in which one is suscetible to misfortune. Yakudoshi are counted by kazoedoshi which is used to count one's age. The counting method is as following.
A new born baby is counted one year old and the baby will be 2 years old when the new year comes. And people gets older every new year.
Man's Yakudoshi of 2025
maeyaku | honyaku | atoyaku |
24 born in 2002 |
25 born in 2001 |
26 born in 2000 |
41 born in 1985 |
42 born in 1984 |
43 born in 1983 |
60 born in 1966 |
61 born in 1965 |
62 born in 1964 |
Woman's Yakudoshi of 2025
maeyaku | honyaku | atoyaku |
18 born in 2008 |
19 born in 2007 |
20 born in 2006 |
32 born in 1994 |
33 born in 1993 |
34 born in 1992 |
36 born in 1990 |
37 born in 1989 |
38 born in 1988 |
60 born in 1966 |
61 born in 1965 |
62 born in 1964 |